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Centri Tech is a social venture using the power of technology to advance people’s lives.

Howie Hodges, Co-founder of Centri Tech, Joins MBC-LEO as Keynote Speaker

Howie Hodges, Co-founder & Partner of Centri Tech, served as a keynote speaker during the Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (MBC-LEO) Mid-Winter Conference on March 29, 2021.

During his presentation, Howie explored the digital disparities that resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic and highlighted opportunitiesto mobilize resources—financial and human capital— to address them.

Pointing to Centri Tech’s Digital Advancement Imperative, he urged support of the following policy recommendations:

  • Adopt universal broadband policies in housing codes and standards

  • Create quality broadband maps

  • Enact Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Reform

  • Create Digital Advancement Index

The Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (MBC-LEO) focuses on “the interests of African American elected officials in Mississippi. MBC-LEO helps to ensure that policy and program recommendations reflect African American concerns to benefit their communities through legislation and direct action.”

Centri Tech is proud to have MBC-LEO’s support and continues to advocate for all sectors; financial institutions, healthcare industries, federal agencies, state and local governments, and philanthropists, to be a part of this innovative strategy of advancement in the digital community.


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